Welcome Back,

Member ID#

Thanks for your interest in the program & member benefits provided by

Virtual Monthly Member Meetings

Below are instructions on how to activate this ASCII member benefit. 

Note: so we can best manage the process for each member who has interest in this program, please do not post benefit/pricing details on ASCII-Link as each member needs to go through this same process. 

Community Benefit Details and Instructions:

Meetings are held on Mondays each month at 3:30 p.m. ET, 12:30 PT.  To get a meeting invite, contact Doug Young with ASCII at dyoung@ascii.com.  Please let Doug know if you’d like the invite for just the next meeting or an invitation to all the remaining meetings this year.

Pricing provided to you as a member of The ASCII Group, is considered confidential and not to be shared outside of your organization.

Your Member Number is #

ASCII Community Contact
Doug Young

Thank you for being a part of The ASCII Community! Have a suggestion for a new program, benefit or service that would be a fit for others in our community? Please let us know by reaching out to your membership support team. We value your input!