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Member ID#

Thanks for your interest in the program & member benefits provided by

United Airlines

Below are instructions on how to activate this ASCII member benefit. 

Note: so we can best manage the process for each member who has interest in this program, please do not post benefit/pricing details on ASCII-Link as each member needs to go through this same process. 

Community Benefit Details and Instructions:

To access these corporate fares you must have a free United Mileage Plus account. Already have an account? Provide your MileagePlus info here to be activated under this new benefit. Don’t have an account? It’s free and easy, start your new account here. Once your account is set, share your MileagePlus number with us. As an ASCII MileagePlus member, you can access these corporate fares through their App or at United.com. Your Mileage Plus account MUST be registered under this ASCII benefit to get these fares. Once registered, United will load the corporate fares into your MileagePlus account within 2-3 weeks. The website will look the same but be displaying ASCII pricing. United is a Star Alliance member: Earn and use MileagePlus miles on any Star Alliance member airline. United Club℠ members and customers with qualifying tickets can access eligible airport lounges around the globe.

Pricing provided to you as a member of The ASCII Group, is considered confidential and not to be shared outside of your organization.

Your Member Number is #

ASCII Community Contact
Doug Young

Thank you for being a part of The ASCII Community! Have a suggestion for a new program, benefit or service that would be a fit for others in our community? Please let us know by reaching out to your membership support team. We value your input!